The following are compliments and kind words I have received from those who have viewed my Gastric Bypass Surgery web site.

hello amy, i just wanted you to know what a help and inspiration you have been to me. i have often pulled up your web site just to get a little more info or even meal ideas. Donna U.

Reading your journal really inspired me to work towards losing weight with or without the surgery. I don't have insurance, so I'm sure I could never afford it. I just wanted you to know that you look wonderful, and congratulations! It is not easy to bear your personal thoughts for all the world to see. Just know that you have inspired me. I hope you enjoy being thin! Emily

I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your website. I have been looking for information about the gastric bypass and the diet afterwards and have not been happy with the information that I was finding. Your website answered all of my questions. KC

Amy--I just got finished reading your website. WOW! Make that a double WOW! And I saw your picture from today where you are back at work...hon, you were beaming! Keep up the good work! DTD.

Hi Amy. I had the surgery December 13th of 2001. My before weight was 496, and this morning I weighed under 300 for the first time in over 20 years. I'm also a patient of Dr. C's. A friend who Dr. Champion did too, saw your site, and told me I ought to see it. I'm glad she did. As I read your story, it was if I was reading my own. My life has changed so much in just over a year. All I can tell you, is life will get better and better. Just follow Dr. C's program, don't get discouraged when things get tough (and they will) and you will be fine. Anyway, if there is anything I can do, any advice you need, email me. We are all in this together. Take care, and welcome to the other side.

Awesome Amy! Absolutely Awesome! You're gonna touch people with your experiences and with your honesty. You have an unbelievable gift and God's going to use you to help others - I know it!! I love you and am so very, very proud of you! Teresa

I loved your story. It is funny; you are a really great writer. Neat that people are already reading it that are having the surgery, but that is what really motivated you, isn't it? The page looks awesome, and I am glad you feel like you should share. Maggie

I read all of My Story. You are a brave and courageous girl. I love you. Mom

Hi Amy,
I just read your story. Thank you for sharing it. My surgery date is THIS Wednesday. Just reading your experience has prepared me even further; it is good to know that the hospital experience was rather easy. S.

And I have to add an A+ to Julies' and Amy's websites. There are VERY informative and helpful. I feel I am taking the journey with them. Susan

I just wanted to tell you that I read your web page and it is awesome! I think you are very brave and I hope you get everything you hope for. By the way, why aren't you a writer? Gaylord

Ohhhhhhhhhhh Amy, your website is absolutely adorable! NICE JOB!!! Thanks for including links back to my page. I really appreciate it. All these things we document for people AFTER us who are going to have surgery helps them in ways we'll never know. Make a commitment to yourself, and to your website followers that you will update as much as you can! Karen

You letter to the insurance company moved me. I felt so connected with your words. I just never knew how to put them on paper. If anyone in this world can do is you!!! Can you tell a difference in the way you live your life already?? You go are going to be the phatest of the phat divas!!! Love to you. Laura

Thank you Amy for the great website. I put it in my favorite places so I can refer back to it. Good luck. JW

Hey Amy, I enjoyed your story and it gave my courage. I have thought about the bypass for a while now, I'm a lot older than you, but I am having my surgery the 10th of June, 2004. Thank you for your story, and the incouragement you have given to others like myself. Yours Thankfully, Linda

Wow, what a wonderful job you have done on your web pages. Well thought out, tastefully done with graphics! I would like to include a link to your site on some of my large online support groups! I think other people would love it too! Karen

Hi Amy! what a wonderful website ! i havent read it all yet .. but i have already learned what i needed to about my post op diet which is what i was looking for .. thank you! Leslie

I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your website. I have been looking for information about the gastric bypass and the diet afterwards and have not been happy with the information that I was finding. Your website answered all of my questions. KC


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Last updated July 8, 2004.